Thursday 7 September 2017

Term 3, Week 7

Quick Writing

Room 8 have been learning to use descriptive language in their writing. We have been using Sheena Cameron's quick write models to help us form ideas about a topic quickly. To do this we work with our 'mat buddy' to describe a picture. Miss Smith sets the timer for 10 minutes and we have to come up with as many exciting words and phrases to describe the image as we can. A winner is even chosen at the end, so we all try our best to use exciting vocabulary. Then we come together to share our ideas onto a large whole-class brainstorm, so that everyone can see/borrow each other's words to make their writing the best it can be. After completing our brainstorms we have to take these ideas and put them into sentences - with focus on starting with a capital letter and putting a full stop at the end of each idea. We have produced some outstanding pieces of descriptive writing using this model. 

Take a look at some of our brainstorms...

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