Friday 20 October 2017

Term 4, Week 1


Welcome back to Room 8 for Term 4! We are very excited because we have a new class pet for the term. Our pet has four long strong legs, soft and slimy skin, is cold blooded and in the day time he likes to hide in cool shady places... He is Freddo the Frog! 
We have started our mini frog inquiry learning by forming questions we have about frogs. 

We have also read a text about amphibians. Amphibians are cold-blooded animals with bony skeletons and soft moist skin. Frogs are a type of amphibian. We think amphibian is an awesome word! We learnt lots about frogs from reading this text together.

Freddo the Frog happily lives in his terrarium at the back of our classroom. We have to work quietly to look after his sensitive eardrums and sometimes if we are quiet enough, he comes out from his hiding spot!