Thursday, 23 November 2017

Term 4, Week 6

The Ginger Bread Man

This week, Room 8 are using the traditional fairytale of 'The Ginger Bread Man' as a prompt for different learning activities. On Monday morning we read the story as a class and then retold the story in our own words - first by talking in pairs and then by writing it down. Some students also decided to change the storyline to include ginger bread cats, rabbits and even a bird! 

We have also started work on our ginger bread man artwork. Our focus for this art has been around blending colours together. We had to choose three shades of brown to blend together to show the different variations in colour when you bake a ginger bread man. We are also going to glue pretend 'lollies' onto our ginger bread men once we have finished colouring them in.

Keep an eye out for photos of our finished artwork!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a lot of fun Room 8! I will have to come in and see the finished art works! Keep up the great work!


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