Monday, 14 August 2017

Term 3, Week 4

Maui and the Big Fish

Last week, Room 8 read the legend of Maui and the Big Fish. In this legend, Maui goes fishing with his brothers and pulls up a huge fish. His brothers decide to try and cut up the fish to share with their whanau... but this creates an uneven land. This land becomes Aotearoa New Zealand as it has lots of valleys, rivers and mountains created by the cuts of Maui's brothers. The North Island is now known as Te Ika a Maui - Maui's Fish.

To represent this story, Room 8 created pieces of artwork that shows New Zealand and our rough landscape. Our learning focus was around hot and cold colours. We used cold colours (blue, green, purple, grey) to colour in New Zealand and we created a contrasting background by using hot colours (red, orange, yellow, brown).

Check out our awesome artwork!

1 comment:

  1. Room 8 I saw your amazing art work last week - they look incredible and you should be very proud. You have done a great job of drawing the North and South Islands and colouring in your drawings. Ka pai to mahi. I cannot wait to see more of your artwork!


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