Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Term 1, Week 3

Tuakana Teina
Today we joined forces with the Room 3 seniors to get to know them and play some games for Tuakana Teina. 
Tuakana Teina is all about getting the older students of the school working and interacting with the younger students. Room 8 had a blast getting to know Room 3 and playing the very cool game 'amoeba' with them! 
Check out our photos!

In Maths we are developing our Number Knowledge. Today we worked in groups to think of all the ways we could make the number 10. We used different objects such as popsicle sticks, tens frames and dice to make the number 10. We then recorded our thinking on posters to display in our class. 

1 comment:

  1. Room 5 also loves their Tuakana Teina time! the game you played sounds interesting, you will have to show Room 5 one time!


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