Saturday, 21 March 2015

Week 7 Term 1 2015

Our caterpillar friends have been very busy this week. We thought we had 4 but we actually have 7, and one chrysalis! All they do is eat and grow!  

We have been writing some awesome stories about what it might be like to be a caterpillar. If you can come in and read them sometime...

Miss Williams found this rap about butterflies. Click on and have a look.

1 comment:

  1. Room 5 loved watching the rap! Very cool! It was awesome to see the photos of your caterpillars, thank you for sharing. Cooper and Rocky said that they want to be butterflies Brock wants to be a caterpillar because they are long and can come out of their skin. Ella said " I want to be a caterpillar so I can turn into a butterfly".
    Great stuff Room 8.


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