Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Term 2, Week 5

Language Experience

In Room 8 we have been focusing on developing our oral language and writing through language experiences. We aim to do one language experience each week where we make/draw/do something interesting, discuss the experience, record adjectives/describing words as a class about the experience, and then write about the experience using the exciting words we have come up with.
So far this term we have had lots of different language experiences, including drawing our own superheroes, making magic hats, making Gruffalo masks, exploring the ice in the playground on a frosty morning and just this week we made oobleck slime!
We are having so much fun with our oral language and writing!

Gruffalo Masks

Oobleck Slime

Pirate Book Week

Last week the book fair came to Stanley Ave. The theme this year was Pirates and the Room 8 children had a blast checking out all the amazing books for sale in our school library. It was fantastic to see our class getting excited about wanting to buy new books to read. 
On Friday we had our dress up day where the children (and teachers!) came to school dressed as their favourite book character or a pirate.
Look at our awesome costumes!

Checking out the book fair!

We had so much fun dressing up!

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Term 2, Week 2

Magic Hats

Yesterday Room 8 students got creative and created magic hats which we will be writing about. We had lots of fun decorating our magic wizard hats with splashes of colour, sparkly pom poms and loads of glitter! Our focus was on talking about what we were doing and the special features of our hats. We had some fantastic conversations which will help us to write our stories... 
Keep a look out for our magic hats when you visit Room 8 and also for the writing that will go alongside them!