Term 4, Week 1
Welcome Back!
Welcome back to Term 4, Room 8! We have lots of exciting learning and events planned for this term!
Please remember to bring your hats back to school by week 2. It is very important that we wear our hats everyday while we are outside in the playground. As the weather gets warmer, it is also a good idea to bring a drink bottle to school each day. These may be kept in class on the back bench.
Growing Inquiry
This week we have started our 'Growing' inquiry unit, by planting our New World 'Little Gardens'. We are going to be keeping an eye on our gardens in class and then we will (hopefully) re-plant them out in the school garden. We can't wait for our 'Little Gardens' to start sprouting!
Here are some photos of our gardens...
Yesterday we also started learning about the life cycle of plants. Miss Smith gave us the challenge of organising a group of pictures in the correct order to show the life cycle of a sun flower plant. At the start some of us put our pictures in a line starting with the seed and then finishing with the dead sun flower. But one group had a different idea... They put their pictures in a circle to show that once the sun flower dies, the seeds in the middle drop out and start growing again! It's an endless chain.
Check out our awesome learning...