Friday, 15 April 2016

Term 1, Week 11


Dear Room 8,

I have been so impressed with your hard work, enthusiasm and eagerness for learning this term. You have made my first term at Stanley Avenue School the best it could be! I am so lucky to have a lovely class like you.

Make sure you have a fantastic holiday - get lots of rest, have lots of fun, and most importantly stay safe! I look forward to seeing you all ready to go for Term 2 on Monday 2nd May.

See you next term!

From Miss Smith

Term 1, Week 11


This week we have been learning about ANZAC Day and why we celebrate it. 

What is Anzac Day?
Anzac Day is on April 25th every year, and is a day for New Zealanders and Australians to remember men and women who have served and lost their lives in war.
April 25th 1915 is the day that New Zealand and Australian soldiers landed at Gallipoli during World War 1. This was a time of great loss for our countries and that is why we commemorate those that lost their lives on this day.
We now remember all of the brave men and women who have served and lost their lives in other wars on this day, too. 
Our Poppies
When Mrs Corrigan was in on Thursday we created our own class acrostic poem about ANZAC Day using the word MEMORIAL. We then made our own poppies to display with our class poem. 

Men in soldier's uniforms,
Memories of lost friends,
Odes written about battles,
Respecting our elders,
Important to remember them, 
ANZAC's fighting,
Lost and loved.
By Room 8

Thursday, 7 April 2016

Term 1, Week 10


This term we have been lucky enough to have John Muir come into school and share his cricket expertise with us. We have been learning about different cricket techniques by playing some awesome games. In Room 8 we have many talented cricket players!

On Wednesday this week, we learnt about how to bowl the ball in cricket. We learnt that it is important to hold the ball with your fingers and not with the palm of your hand and also to keep a straight arm when bowling. 

Our cricket super stars!

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Term 1, Week 10

Word Work

Most mornings in Room 8 we participate in word work. Word work involves practicing our phonics and spelling. We start with word rumble where spelling words come up on our interactive board and we copy them on our own mini whiteboards. Sometimes we have to have very fast hands to write the long words quickly before they disappear! We then chant our alphabet names and sounds as well as our blends and digraphs. Each week we focus on one sound and we brainstorm as many of the words that we can that contain that sound - for example words have the short 'a' vowel sound (cat, mat, apple, and...). 

Word Rumble

Alphabet chart
Blends/digraphs chart

We use what we learn in word work to help us with our writing and reading.