Monday, 11 August 2014

Week 3 Term 3 2014
This week we had cross country on Wednesday. I was really proud of the way all of the students in Room 8 tried their best,even though the day was cold and damp. We had lots of smiles and no tears so all of your hard work when training paid off.Well done.There are a selection of photos,stories,poems and pictures going up in our foyer next week from the students in Rooms 7 and 8. If you can pop in and have a look once the display is up.

Here are some"action shots" from the day...

Week 2 Term 3 2014
This month is also Room 8's turn to do the foyer display in the office.                              We have been learning about "plots" in writing and how a sequence of ideas is recorded, and we have been reading some  maori legends which show this well. We liked the story of Rata and the Canoe so we retold it as a class and then made an illustration of our favourite part.
Her is a photo of our display...

Sunday, 27 July 2014

Week 1 Term 3

Welcome back to Term 3! Our first week went sooooo... fast!
We have started learning about fractions in Maths and we read a great maori legend about "The Battle of the Mountains" which is about the mountains in the Central North Island.             We talked a little about the Commonwealth Games and look forward to watching how the New Zealand team goes throughout the coming weeks.

We also welcomed all of our new students into our class so we needed to put a new photo on our blog...

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Week 9 Term 2

The term has gone so quickly!
This week we are finishing off all of the pirate activities and putting the final touches to our "Two Feet" poems that we have on display.
We welcomed Blake to our class and next term we have 5 more students who are coming
from Room 7 to Room 8.
On Friday we had our end of term assembly.  Congratulations to Hayley and Seth who 
were presented with our mid year awards.You are AWESOME role models in Room 8!
Have a good holiday.

Week 8 Term 2

This week we finally got our garden planted!                                                                                      
It looks a little bare and our plants are small but it is much better than before!
We will enjoy looking after it and hope the plants grow quickly.
Here are the before and after shots...

Monday, 23 June 2014

Week 7 Term 2 2014

We have been invaded by Pirates!

This week we have been finishing our learning to read,reading to learn unit on "Pirates".

Here are some of our Visitors...

We have also been writing some great descriptions about our pirates.

Here are some of our maps and Wanted posters, where we have included our descriptions.

Friday, 13 June 2014

Week 6 Term 2    2014

We have been reading to learn about real pirates and we have found out a lot of things that we didn't know! We also found out that life as a pirate is not always the same as we see in movies!


We made a photo story about what we have learned...        

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Week 5   Term 2   2014

Ahoy mateys! We have a new cabin boy in Room 8 this week called Phoenix!
We are using him to record nouns about pirates, and all of the sayings we are finding in the stories we read.  We are learning lots about real pirates and what life was like for them, as well as enjoying lots of made-up stories about Pirates.

Monday, 2 June 2014

Week 4 Term 2 2014

This week we had the Scholastic book fair at school and to finish off the week we had a dress up day! The children in                            Room 8 looked awesome! 

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Week 3 Term 2 2014

Thank you so much to Mr Bethell and Mr Hale ,who dug our gardens over on Friday.We are a step closer to getting our garden project underway!

We also have started talking about our "Learn to to learn" unit about Pirates!
This week our focus was on starting our wall display and then about precise nouns about pirate ships. We have already learned lots of new words that we can use when describing pirate ships and this will help our future learning. Our display is not quite finished but we are on the way...

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Week 2 Term 2 2014

Welcome back.We hope everyone had a great holiday.

During the past 2 weeks we have been talking about the gardens outside Rooms 7 and 8. We are allowed to plant them ,so we have been deciding what we need to have and what the needs of the plants might be.                     We have made a list to take up to Zak's dad, at his nursery. Next week we are hoping to dig the gardens out, replace the rubbish soil with good soil that we are getting from Hayley's dad, and then we can select our plants. Some of the parents gave us some succulents  so we have planted them in a temporary home until we can put them in other gardens around the school.

In the meantime we drew our "dream" gardens.Here are some of our dream gardens that are on display in our foyer.

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Week 10 Term 1

This week Room 8 has been practising learning by looking, by listening and by doing.
Mrs Finucane gave us a to make a kite out of paper


    We had to work together to think about what we already knew, to do some research to find some plans, and then to decide which ones might work.We found out that we might have to make some modifications as we made our plans, and then we got to test them! 

Unfortunately the weather didn't co-operate, so we had to make our own wind...
by running!

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Week 9 Term 1

This week we have been finishing our work on "I am different".                                                   
We also completed our final "Star of the Day" chart.
Each day one student was selected to be the star of the day and as a class we wrote a statement about each star and how they act and the things they do at school.Each star then took their poster home and their family also wrote about what they were like at home.            
We learned lots about each other, and the children are very proud of their charts.

Mrs Spencer has also been very busy working with the class and the children have made  some fantastic pictures of Harold,from Life Education.They make our classroom look fantastic!

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Week 8 Term 1

This week we had a second session with Shelly and Harold from Life Education.
We were looking at the things that we all have to survive, like our organs, and the things that make us different, like our personality.  
We made some reversible people to demonstrate the important parts of our "insides" and our fantastic "outsides" which make us special and unique!

Harold taught us a song about  "Personality" and the chorus goes:

That's what makes you, you
And that's what makes me, me
PERSONALITY, we're as different as can be
And the thing that makes you special


Sunday, 23 March 2014

Week 7 Term 1

This week we had our first visit with Shelley and Harold from Life Education.
Our theme is "I am different", and we are looking at how all of us are special and unique. 
We wrote a poem together about what we have found out so far, and we made zig zag people to show how we are all different.

I am different.
I am special,I am unique,
There is nobody else like me!
I have my own tongue patterns, DNA,eyes and fingerprints.
There is only one of me.
I am a superstar!
By Room 8

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Week 6 Term 1

Mrs Finucane has been reading chapter books to us and at the end of this week we had finished 2!

We really liked the Great Bamboozle,by Joy Cowley. We wrote about our favourite parts of the story and made illustrations to go with our writing.

The story is about Grizelda, who is a pirate that nobody likes, and how the Mayor and the pirates of the town try to trick her into missing out on the Great Bamboozle.
She finds out and declares war on the town!

The book had lots of funny parts and a great twist at the end!

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Week 5 Term 1

We started the week with 15 of us going to the Soccer fun day at Boyd Park on Monday.We were put into lots of different teams and we played 4 games each.
At the end of the day we got a prize and a ribbon and a certificate.
We had a good day and the others who stayed at school had a great day with Mrs Hunt and Room 7.

We have also been using our thinking wall to help us when we are doing our learning 
tasks in the classroom and when we are playing with our friends in the playground.                       We are trying to use our thinking and our words to help us solve problems 

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Week 4 Term 1 2014

This week has been busy as we have been putting our ideas about "what makes me tick?" into action. This week we have been talking about thinking, and making good choices in our playing and learning.

We have also been practising some soccer skills so that we are ready for the soccer fun day next week. Mrs Finucane thinks that there could be some future NZ soccer stars in our class!
This is us doing our warm up, playing 4 corners.

We said goodbye to Caedyn who has gone to a new school,so we wish him well.

We were also lucky enough to have a Spanish lesson on Thursday. We were learning by looking,listening and doing. Now we can count a bit, and say ola! to our friends in Spanish!